Ассоциация производителей биотоплива
Ассоциация производителей твердого топлива из древесных отходов лесозаготовки и деревообрабатывающей промышленности «РУССКИЙ ПЕЛЛЕТНЫЙ СОЮЗ»


The conference "Sustainable Development: the Climate of the Future".
The conference "Sustainable Development: the Climate of the Future".

The RPU took part in the conference of the Russian-German Chamber of Commerce and the representative office of the German economy in the Russian Federation "Sustainable Development: the Climate of the Future".

Within the framework of the conference, the issues of actual opportunities and consequences for the Russian Federation and Germany in connection with the adoption of the package of draft laws "EU Green Deal" were considered, ...

Results of the Seminar of the Russian Pellet Union “Sustainable development of Russian pellet sector”
Results of the Seminar of the Russian Pellet Union “Sustainable development of Russian pellet sector”

On May 25, 2021 the Russian Pellet Union (RPU) held the international seminar devoted to the sustainable development of the Russian pellet sector, issues of change of certification standards as well as the improvement of the interaction between the Russian producers of pellets and end-consumers of pellets and their distributors.

In total 73 participants were registered for the participation in the Seminar.

2nd Meeting of Russian and Netherlands Business Club
2nd Meeting of Russian and Netherlands Business Club

topic  : Export to Netherlands: theory and practice
date: On June 03,  2021, On Thursday, at 13:00-15:00  (Moscow time)
format: online (ZOOM)
invited: Russian exporters, foreign trade operators, interested in coming into the market of Netherlands

Confirmation of membership in the European Pellet Council
Confirmation of membership in the European Pellet Council
On 23.03.2021 a message from Gilles Gauthier, Director General of EPC was received that the application of the RPU to join the EPC was voted and approved during the General Assembly of the European Pellet Council and now the Russian Pellet Union is enlisted into the members of the European Pellet Council
Seminar of the Russian Pellet Union «Sustainable development of the Russian solid biomass sector»
Seminar of the Russian Pellet Union «Sustainable development of the Russian solid biomass sector»
May 25, 2021 10:00 – 13:30 (Moscow time)
One of the objectives of the Russian Pellet Union (RPU) is to improve the communication between the Russian pellet producers and end users.
The seminar is intended for the RPU members and partners, as well as for large international pellet distributors and consumers. Only pellet producers can be RPU eligible members. At the moment, the Union includes 25 pellet producers that export more than a million tons per year.
Notice on reporting General Meeting of the RPU members
Notice on reporting General Meeting of the RPU members
Zhilov Nikita Mikhailovich, Executive Director of the RUSSIAN PELLET UNION (Association of producers of solid fuel from wood waste and wood working industries) notifies you that the reporting general meeting of the Association members will be held on April 12, 2021 in person using ballots at the address: 19 Leninskaya Sloboda str., office 627, 115280, Moscow (business center "Omega Plaza") at 9:30 am, as well as through simultaneous video conferencing.
Application of the Union is submitted
Application of the Union is submitted
The message has been received from the Government office of the Russian Federation, that the application of the Union was submitted for consideration together with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia and JSC Russian Railways. The results will be informed additionally.
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