Ассоциация производителей биотоплива
Ассоциация производителей твердого топлива из древесных отходов лесозаготовки и деревообрабатывающей промышленности «РУССКИЙ ПЕЛЛЕТНЫЙ СОЮЗ»
Home/Activities/Association Russian Pellet Union, took part in the work of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Committee on Entrepreneurship in the Timber Industry.

Association Russian Pellet Union, took part in the work of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Committee on Entrepreneurship in the Timber Industry.

Association Russian Pellet Union, took part in the work of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Committee on Entrepreneurship in the Timber Industry.

On November 22, 2022, Vladimir Mammatov, Executive Director of the Association “Russian Pellet Union”, took part in the work of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Committee on Entrepreneurship in the Timber Industry.

On November 22, 2022, a meeting of the Committee on Entrepreneurship in the Timber Industry Complex was held on the topic “Issues of wood waste disposal”. The event was attended by experts from scientific and educational institutions, heads of industry enterprises. The Executive Director of the Association "Russian Pellet Union" Vladimir Mammatov, within the framework of the Committee's work, made his report on the existing problem with the export of wood pulp. It was decided to involve the relevant Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation in resolving the issue in order to help Russian exporters.

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