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Ассоциация производителей твердого топлива из древесных отходов лесозаготовки и деревообрабатывающей промышленности «РУССКИЙ ПЕЛЛЕТНЫЙ СОЮЗ»
Home/Activities/High achievement in the system of determining the color of pellets!!!

Determination of the color content of pellets

High achievement in the system of determining the color of pellets!!!

Currently, we have a unique opportunity to unambiguously determine the color of pellets without a verbal description!
All you need on the ground is to use the Epson V19 flatbed scanner, configured according to our recommendations.
Place the pellets in a frame made of a soft porous material (porous polypropylene) and a certain shape for strict orientation along the length and avoiding their rolling out.
The recommended thickness of the frame is 8-10 mm - to protect the sample from side light.
You scan and send an image (jpg) to our address and receive the digital code of this sample of pellets after processing.
Our program also determines the "delta", which is the criterion for comparing the color of different samples of pellets – that is, it will be clear whether it is possible to mix pellets of different batches and whether it will be noticeable to the eye. For example, when "delta" < 3, the color difference is not noticeable, from 3 to 6 is noticeable, and for values above 6-it is unacceptable.

Summary of the experts: This is a breakthrough in the system of determining the color of granules, which is very important for a number of markets. Before that, no one knew how it could be "digitized"!

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