Notice on reporting General Meeting of the RUSSIAN PELLET UNION (Association of producers of solid fuel from the wood waste and wood working industries)
Zhilov Nikita Mikhailovich, Executive Director of the RUSSIAN PELLET UNION (Association of producers of solid fuel from wood waste and wood working industries) notifies you that the reporting general meeting of the Association members will be held on April 12, 2021 in person using ballots at the address: 19 Leninskaya Sloboda str., office 627, 115280, Moscow (business center "Omega Plaza") at 9:30 am, as well as through simultaneous video conferencing.
The general meeting of the members of the Union is convened in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law "On Non-Profit Organizations" and the provisions of the current Charter of the Union.
1. Election of the chairman and secretary of the General Meeting of Participants.
Placing the duties of votes counting of the General Meeting participants.
2. Approval of the annual statement of the Union for 2020.
3. The program of activities of the Union for 2021.
4. Approval of the annual accounting statements of the Union for 2020.
5. Approval of the Union’s membership in association “Bioenergy Europe”.
6. Early termination of powers of the Executive Director of the Union Zhilov Nikita Mikhailovich.
7. Election of the Executive Director of the Union.
Registration of the meeting participants starts at 9.15 am. (Moscow time)
Registration of the meeting participants ends at 9.30 am. (Moscow time)
The meeting participants must have an identity document and a duly executed power of attorney for the right to represent the interests of the organization at the said meeting in terms of voting and decision-making. The powers of the heads of organizations are confirmed on the basis of an extract from the unified state register of legal entities.
The materials prepared by the Executive Director of the Union Zhilov N.M. to the General Meeting of members, can be found here (see below) or they will be available from 04/05/2021 at the address: 19 Leninskaya Sloboda str., office 627, Moscow (Business Center "Omega Plaza") from 9am up to 6 pm by prior arrangement by phone: 89588225661.