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Results of the Seminar of the Russian Pellet Union “Sustainable development of Russian pellet sector”

Results of the Seminar of the Russian Pellet Union “Sustainable development of Russian pellet sector”

On May 25, 2021 the Russian Pellet Union (RPU) held the international seminar devoted to the sustainable development of the Russian pellet sector, issues of change of certification standards as well as the improvement of the interaction between the Russian producers of pellets and end-consumers of pellets and their distributors.

In total 73 participants were registered for the participation in the Seminar.

Almost all members and partners of the RPU participated in the Seminar and the representatives of the certification bodies: European Pellet Council (ЕРС – managing organization of ENplus®), SBP, FSС, SURE. Also the largest European consumers of pellets (industrial power plants) and large international distributors participated. The large representative of the Japan pellet market was also present at the Seminar.

 We discussed with SURE the impact of the European Commission’s new directive of renewable energy resources on the biomass sector (RED II).The new standard in forestry management FSC has already come into force and all FSC certificate holders shall switch to it by the end of March 2022. In September 2021 a new standard of FSC supply chain comes into force – an official representative of FSC Russia told us about the new rules.

In the nearest future SBP and ENplus® will intorduce the new certification standards. The information of the upcoming changes in the certification standards is very important for the Russian producers. 

PJSC Bionet, LLC Region-les, LLC LecInTech, LLC BioInvest, LLC Incolab Services and Prodesa Medio Ambiente S.L. spoke on behalf of our members and partners.  They told the participants of the Seminar about their activity and urgent issues of the Russian pellet sector.  

The participation of the largest European pellet consumers (industrial power plants) and also the large distributors in the Seminar allowed our participants to establish direct cooperation with the main players of the pellet market and discuss the urgent export issues of Russian pellets.

An interesting review and the forecast of the development of the Russian pellet market were presented by WhatWood. Th analytics of the current situation and perspectives of the development of the Russian pellet sector will help its participants orient in the market conjuncture. The main conclusion of the report is that the Russian pellet market has a big potentialfor growth and as expected it will double in four years due to the introduction of the new industrial facilities and extension of the existing ones.

The Trading representative of the Russian Federation in Netherlands also spoke at the Seminar. Russia has sales offices in almost all countries of the European Union, they are ready to render assistance to the Russian producers in pellet export and work on improvement of the reputation of the Russian pellet sector. The Russian pellets are produced from the high quality waste of wood processing industry and can be delivered with the European certificates of the sustainable forestry management (FSC) and sustainable biomass (SBP) in even larger volumes.

The Russian Pellet Union received positive reviews from the participants of the Seminar and we plan to hold the further discussion of these and other issues urgent for the participants, partners and interested parties in the second half of this year.


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