Ассоциация производителей биотоплива
Ассоциация производителей твердого топлива из древесных отходов лесозаготовки и деревообрабатывающей промышленности «РУССКИЙ ПЕЛЛЕТНЫЙ СОЮЗ»
Home/Activities/RPU held a working meeting with the Trade Mission of the Russian Federation in Japan.

RPU held a working meeting with the Trade Mission of the Russian Federation in Japan.

RPU held a working meeting with the Trade Mission of the Russian Federation in Japan.

During the meeting, we discussed the possibilities of expanding the export of Russian pellets to Japan. In the next few years, a significant increase in pellet consumption is expected in Japan, driven by the Japanese government's decarbonisation policy. The Japanese government introduces a subsidized (increased) tariff for the sale of electricity for power plants using renewable sources (FIT-tariff). To receive such a subsidy, Japanese companies must ensure the conclusion of long-term contracts for 90-100 thousand tons of pellets per year for a period of 10-15 years.

More details can be found in the proposals of the Trade Mission of Japan and the results of the meeting in the information letter to the RPU participants.

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