The Russian Pellet Union interacts with the owners of certification systems and closely monitors the revision procedures of certification standards.
The SBP standards are currently being revised and the second and final stakeholder consultation round is underway. The Russian Pellet Union has studied the proposed changes and discussed them with its members.
In the proposed draft, there is no mentioning anymore of approved SFM certification systems, and pellet producers would need to assess all criteria and indicators of SBP standard 1 "Feedstock compliance standard" themselves, even if they are using FSC certified feedstock. This would also apply to pellet producers using FSC certified wood residues.
Practically all SBP wood pellet producers in Russia use FSC certified wood residues. Russia has the most FSC certified forests and the most SBP certificate holders in the world.
Our members are prepared to work on possible gaps between the certification systems, but underline the importance of keeping a system in which FSC certification can form the basis of SBP certification. Moreover, the possible gaps should be found by a professional benchmark of the criteria and indicators first, followed by a national risk assessment.
At present the SBP certificate holders from Russia feel insufficiently represented in the various SBP commissions and work groups involved in the revision process. The Russian Pellet Union has offered assistance.