Ассоциация производителей биотоплива
Ассоциация производителей твердого топлива из древесных отходов лесозаготовки и деревообрабатывающей промышленности «РУССКИЙ ПЕЛЛЕТНЫЙ СОЮЗ»
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Seminar of the Russian Pellet Union «Sustainable development of the Russian solid biomass sector»

Seminar of the Russian Pellet Union «Sustainable development of the Russian solid biomass sector»

May 25, 2021 10:00 – 13:30 (Moscow time)
One of the objectives of the Russian Pellet Union (RPU) is to improve the communication between the Russian pellet producers and end users.
The seminar is intended for the RPU members and partners, as well as for large international pellet distributors and consumers. Only pellet producers can be RPU eligible members. At the moment, the Union includes 25 pellet producers that export more than a million tons per year.
Currently, the market for industrial and premium pellets is undergoing the significant changes. The Russian pellet producers are wondering how will the new SBP and ENplus certification standards change and what affect will it have on their certification support procedures?
The European Union directive “RED II” establishes the sustainability requirements for large consumers, the fulfilment of which will be required by all EU member states (officially since this year). In this regard, will the new SURE certification system be of value for the Russian pellet producers?

The main question is what obstacles do the end consumers face when buying Russian pellets? How can these barriers be eliminated? Will there be additional requirements for the legality and sustainability of wood pellets? Russia is the world leader in the number of FSC-certified forests and has the largest number of SBP certificate holders. Due to the favorable economic conditions for the rapid development of the forestry sector, what are the new risks of sustainable forest management that may arise and what existing risks one shall keep in mind?

Based upon the necessity to solve these important issues, the main topics of the Seminar will be the following:
• Requirements for sustainable biomass from the European Commission, EU member-states and a number of independent countries, such as England and Japan, as well as from the main foreign consumers of pellets;
• Recent changes in wood pellet certification standards;
• Trends in the development of the Russian forestry sector and the pellet industry;
• Urgent issues of sustainability of forestry and pellet production.
The representatives of WWF, FSC, EPC (ENplus), SBP, SURE, large international distributors and buyers of industrial and premium pellets will speak on the specified topics within the framework of the Seminar.
Click the link to find more information about the Seminar Program.

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