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Home/Activities/The Russian Pellet Union Association presented the results of the domestic biofuel market in 2023 in the Kommersant publication

The Russian Pellet Union Association presented the results of the domestic biofuel market in 2023 in the Kommersant publication

The Russian Pellet Union Association presented the results of the domestic biofuel market in 2023 in the Kommersant publication

The timber industry complex of Russia, despite sanctions restrictions, shows positive dynamics and effectively solves the assigned tasks.

The volume of waste generated from the production of the main product groups continues to grow, and their effective processing is currently no less important factor influencing the industry than the area of leased forest plots or others.

For some enterprises, the inability to process waste economically becomes a limiting factor, due to which they are forced to reduce the volume of production of lumber and other products.

The article also displays the main drivers that will influence the biofuel market in the near future.

The full version of the interview is presented on the website of the Kommersant publication.

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