Ассоциация производителей биотоплива
Ассоциация производителей твердого топлива из древесных отходов лесозаготовки и деревообрабатывающей промышленности «РУССКИЙ ПЕЛЛЕТНЫЙ СОЮЗ»
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Webinar: “Russian wood pellet supply”

Webinar: “Russian wood pellet supply”

The Russian Pellet Union in collaboration with Bioenergy Europe are hosting the webinar: “Russian wood pellet supply: Rising production, latest changes in European demand and requirements, new opportunities”, taking place on Wednesday the 20nd of October, 10 AM -12 PM CEST.

The event mainly focusses on the present growth of the wood pellet industry in Russia and how it can meet the European pellet demand.

  • High-quality pellet production and the fast growth of ENplus® in Russia
  • Concerns in legality and sustainability of Russian wood
  • Latest trends of European pellets demand
  • RED II compliance and the role of voluntary schemes
  • Decreased demand for SBP pellets and the proposed tightening of SBP requirements

While this webinar is primarily organised for both the members of the Russian Pellet Union and Bioenergy Europe, a few non-members can be welcomed as well, so do not hesitate to register!

The Russian Pellet Union (RPU) is an association of Russian pellet producers and other relevant stakeholders, its members represent over 60% of Russian pellet production and exports. It was granted the status of Self-Regulatory Organisation, enabling it to efficiently contribute to the sustainable development of the Russian pellet sector.

Programme of the webinar

1. Introduction to the Russian Pellet Union and its current activities
Ekaterina Mikhaylova, Executive Director RPU

2. European pellet market update and role of Russian supply
Gilles Gauthier, Director Business Development & Membership Bioenergy Europe

3. Prognoses on export capacity and sales markets, new certification requirements
Rens Hartkamp, International Relations RPU


Russian Pellet Union, https://en.pelletunion.org/                     

Bioenergy Europe, https://bioenergyeurope.org/

Date: 20 October 2021
Time: 10.00 – 12.00 CEST
Format: Online, Zoom 
Language: English & Russian (simultaneous translation available)
Conditions: Participation is free for RPU and Bioenergy Europe Members
and one free trial opportunity is available for the NON-Members (acceptance is at the discretion of the organiser)

 Registration: https://form.jotform.com/212482411157348

Announcement of our event on the Bioenergy Europe website:  https://bioenergyeurope.org/events/11-events/262-russian-pellet-market-update.html

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