Ассоциация производителей биотоплива
Ассоциация производителей твердого топлива из древесных отходов лесозаготовки и деревообрабатывающей промышленности «РУССКИЙ ПЕЛЛЕТНЫЙ СОЮЗ»
Home/Activities/Within the framework of the IV meeting of the Russian-Mongolian Working Group on cooperation in the field of industry, the Russian Pellet Union Association presented a report on the prospects for the use of Russian biofuel in the municipal energy sector of Mongolia.

Within the framework of the IV meeting of the Russian-Mongolian Working Group on cooperation in the field of industry, the Russian Pellet Union Association presented a report on the prospects for the use of Russian biofuel in the municipal energy sector of Mongolia.

Within the framework of the IV meeting of the Russian-Mongolian Working Group on cooperation in the field of industry, the Russian Pellet Union Association presented a report on the prospects for the use of Russian biofuel in the municipal energy sector of Mongolia.

The demand from the public of the capital of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, to improve the environmental situation creates the preconditions for the search for alternative energy sources that do not require the modernization of the existing energy infrastructure. Tests of a new type of raw coal (semi-coke) cause a negative reaction from the public and part of the political community.

At the request of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Russian Trade Representation in Mongolia, the Russian Pellet Union presented its vision of solving the issue of reducing air pollution in the capital of Mongolia.

The proposals of the Union are being considered by the Administration of Ulaanbaatar and a decision on this issue will soon be made at the level of the Government of Mongolia.

Members of the Association took an active part in the preparations for the meeting and helped to collect all the necessary information.

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