Ассоциация производителей биотоплива
Ассоциация производителей твердого топлива из древесных отходов лесозаготовки и деревообрабатывающей промышленности «РУССКИЙ ПЕЛЛЕТНЫЙ СОЮЗ»



The Russian Pellet Union consists of Members (responsible solid biomass producers in Russia) and Partners (stakeholders related to the Russian solid biomass sector)
Pellet producers, using wood residues as raw material and operating in Russia can become full members of the Russian Pellet Union. Other stakeholders of the solid biomass sector can become Partners of the Union. This rule was created to protect the non-profit and independent nature of the Union. Currently, Russia exports around 90% of its wood pellets to European markets, mainly through a small group of international traders,
and foreign demand is expected to grow.
Regarding the level of wood processing in Russia and the abundant availability of wood residues, the export market for wood pellets will always stay of importance. In order to contribute to the sustainable development of the Russian solid biomass sector, the Russian Pellet Union focuses on actual events both in Russia and on European markets.
The course of the organization is determined by its Members. They decide which working groups are created and which activities are initiated.
Key benefits for Members are:
   The opportunity to initiate new topics of interest within the Union and to participate in working groups on current issues;
   ​​​​Collective proposals on new or amendments to existing legal, regulatory and regulatory documents, as well as on the development and subsidy programs in Russia;
   Collective responses to counterproductive proposals and changes in policies, laws, regulations, subsidy and development programs, and systems related to government and non-government tariffs;
   Updates on (expected) regulatory developments in Europe and the possibility of a collective response to them;
   Updates on (expected) changes in certification requirements and the ability to respond to them and contribute to their development;
   Collective responses to critical articles and incorrect statements about the Russian biomass sector;
   Reputational benefits associated with compliance to the Union Code of Conduct (and assistance in meeting these requirements).
All Members of the Union have the opportunity to publicly present themselves on the Union's web page. Members and Partners also get access to the restricted area of the website, where additional information about current activities and relevant research topics is compiled.
Partnership Programme
Russian, foreign, and multinational organisations related to the Russian biomass sector can become a Partner of the Union.
Such stakeholders are, for example:
   Logistics and transport companies;
   Clients of Russian pellets (industrial and residential);
   Manufacturers equipment and constructors;
   Consultancy agencies and certification bodies;
   NGOs and certification scheme managers;
   Laboratories and surveyors;
   Professional media and platforms.

The Partnership Programme focusses on:​​​​
   Facilitating a platform for interaction between Members, Partners, and third parties (other stakeholders);
   Organising roundtables, work groups and projects dedicated to specific topics related to the sustainable development of the solid biomass sector in Russia;
   Cooperating in standardising quality and sustainability requirements;
   Delivering informational support to Members, Partners and concerned third parties.
   Arranging meetings, conferences and events advancing national and international cooperation on the development of the Russian biomass sector;
The Union addresses the concerns of its Partners. On large topics Work Groups are formed, in which interested Members and Partners cooperate. If additional research is required, the Union assists in setting up projects, in which Members and Partners can chose to have tasks carried out by specialists.
Through the Partnership Programme stakeholders can cooperate with the Union and its Members and address their concerns regarding the Russian biomass sector. As the Union achieves the official status of a Self-Regulatory Organisation, it gives stakeholders the opportunity to deliver input to the improvement of legislation, norms, law-enforcement methods, and subsidy programs related to the solid biomass sector.
Please feel free to contact us for more information on Membership and/or the Partnership Programme.
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