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Home/Activities/The Association "Russian Pellet Union" presented a report at the VIII International Biofuel Congress in St. Petersburg

The Association "Russian Pellet Union" presented a report at the VIII International Biofuel Congress in St. Petersburg

The Association "Russian Pellet Union" presented a report at the VIII International Biofuel Congress in St. Petersburg

The Biofuel Congress is an annual event that attracts the views of many representatives of the Russian timber industry.

The Russian Pellet Union made a presentation at the Congress and this year devoted report to the development of the domestic biofuel consumption market in the context of a decline in export volumes caused by various limiting factors.

The report presented a forecast for the near future, taking into account the implementation of state programs to support the timber industry, and also characterized new consumers in the biofuel market, who will soon begin to purchase pellets and other types of solid biofuels more actively on the market.

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